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Fixed [5278] Building upgrade shows wrong amt of supplies and coin available


Game version:
0.15.13480-087e06d-(master) (2015-05-05 14:45)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Chrome Version 42.0.2311.135 m
Flash Player version: (embedded)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium
Screen resolution: 1366 x 768
Account name: UlfinWormwood
Humans or Elves: Elves
Reproducibility: 5 (Always happens now; did not notice before.)
Quest title: "More Intense Training"
Current situation:
I am currently amassing resources for upgrade to level 9 barracks. The upgrade window shows the available supplies (hover bubble) to be equal to the required supplies.
Expected situation:
Hover bubble should show actual available supplies.
Reproduction Steps
Get barracks to level 8
2. Receive "More Intense Training" quest
3. Open upgrade window at barracks
4. Hover over required supplies
Screenshots of the bug:


Oops, I guess this belongs under "Text Related..." Please move it. Sorry.


Thank you for reporting this to us, Ulfin. We can confirm that the wrong available amount of both supplies and coin is shown when hovering over the coin/supplies in the building upgrade window. We'll report this issue to the developers.

I have edited the thread title to reflect that this affects both coin and supplies display, and all building upgrades in general.