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Won't fix [45249] A Gateway into the Past event countdown badge missing in Android app

Deadeye Jerry

Community Manager
Elvenar Team
This happens when assets are not downloaded, and the countdown badge for the events is not visible to the players.


Well-Known Member
To workaround this issue you should connect trough wifi to load missing assets. As long as you are using only cellular data, you won't see it.


To workaround this issue you should connect trough wifi to load missing assets. As long as you are using only cellular data, you won't see it.
I tested that. It does not make one whit difference.

On cellular data, it notifies me "hey, updates available, want to download, cell data may cost extra so maybe swap to wifi, yesno". I download on mobile, because I have unlimited data.

But I have also cleaned data (and cache) and then swapped to wifi, and let the game download all the data over wifi and still it does not show up. :(

I reported Whispers of the Soul event badge missing in Discord, now.


Well-Known Member
Nope, there were no request to download additional data. It just appeared within few minutes after switching wifi on.
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Yeah, I'm doing more testing now and honestly, this is odd, since in Sinya Arda/US6 I'm on mobile AND it shows up nicely in time.

The diff between my beta and Sinya Arda account is that beta gets ads, whereas SA does not. I turned off ad preferences in beta (like they are in Sinya Arda) and see if that affects anything.

Edit: and now we're stabbing at the problem, yay.
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