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Won't fix [44223] Season daily quests are not reset without reload


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.174-beta.1-(b391d45) - html5 (2023-04-06 09:06)
Game world: Beta1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome x64
Operating System or Mobile Device: windows 10
Screen resolution: 2560x1600
Account name: Karvest
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
New quests are not given without reloading the game

Expected situation:
New quests should be given without reload

Reproduction Steps:
1. Wait for 00:00+ UTC
2. Open Season UI, notice timer shows accurate time before next daily quests refresh, all keylocks active and no new quests
3. Collect some goods/coins/supplies/orcs/CC/etc
4. Open Season UI, notice nothing changed
5. Reload the game, open Season UI, notice that all quests became active just at that moment, and nothing you've done at (3) counted towards them. This is the most annoying thing in that bug, if you've already collected all your CC/SF from library set, and then find out new daily asks for them.

before reload

after reload

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Hi @Karvest we were unable to reproduce this issue last night (my thanks to @Lilyawen for testing!).

Does anyone else experience this? Is there anything more you can tell us to help us reproduce the issue?


Well-Known Member
Make sure to test it here on beta with no event running, it can be refreshed with new daily event quest.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Because of the old days, when being in the game at change of day would cause the browser version of the game to crash, I have not tried having the game open at new day in a long time.

Edit: I loaded the game a few minutes before start of new game day and just checked back and the new daily quests are available as expected. No reloading was needed.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
not fixed, happened again today. Was online for more than 12hours (since server restart), not sure if that matters.


Well-Known Member
Today there were no seasons quests icon at all (I know, that's a different bug, sometimes happens, already reported, marked as cannot reproduce too). Waited for a few minutes after quests should be reset, collected some coins and supplies, reloaded the game - quests appeared, but no coins were counted in "Collect a big amount of coins" daily. So quests were actually reset on game reload, and not on time like it should.


Well-Known Member
Happened again, this time it was only 15 min uptime (relogged at ~23:45UTC), done few quests for event: invested few KP into FS members AWs (both runes and AWKP instants), collected goods from event buildings, restarted recipe in MA, fought few encounters in spire, went AFK. Returned later - no new quests.