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Not a Bug 3D hardware issue with HTML5 on Chrome


Active Member
Game world: Beta and ALL on US live server
Browser: Chrome
Flash Player version: no flash. Using HTML5
Operating System: MAC OS
Screen resolution:
Account name:Sirenia
Humans or Elves: Both

Reproducibility: Happens always, all day on HTML5 w/ Chrome

Current situation:
Cannot get past 10/24 of loading screen when using Chrome and HTML5. Gives me 3D hardware error, when 3D is ALREADY enabled in my Chrome settings. I cleared both browser and flash caches..did not help.
When I loaded Firefox, I was able to get on. I then went into my worlds and disabled HTML5. I was then able to open all worlds after allowing Flash..but without HTML5 Seems to be an issue between HTML5 and Chrome

Expected situation:
To be able to open all worlds on US server with Chrome and HTML5 without having 3D hardware error

Reproduction Steps:
1. Try to open world in Chrome with HTML5 enabled. If 3D error, then..
2.Load Firefox and disable HTML5
3. Now go into Chrome and open world allowing Flash

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!


Well-Known Member
Hi @Sirenia ,

This is not really a bug, but is has to do with the resources the game uses in HTML5 and older computers not always being able to meet those standards. We have however forwarded this feedback to see if we can make the game less heavy on PC requirements.