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Fixed [22936] There is something wrong with IM Spell


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.60-(2b2822c97)-(master) (2018-07-19 7:11)
Game world:
Browser + version: Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: MalpA
Humans or Elves:
Reproducibility: 5/5

Curent situation:

I noticed this a while ago, and i think that this was already reported, but i cant finde a thread.
There is a problem with Inspiring Meditation spell. If we are offline(i think that this is working when You are online too) while IM spell is end and have more points then 10, after You log in, use new spell and collect any collectable thing the timer is changed to a moent our first IM spell gets end.(i know is hard to understand cause i tsa hard to explain for me in english)

Repro steps:

1) have an IM spell on
2) have over 10kp(lets say 12) while IM spell is about to finished
3) Wait for 15 more minutes
4) Log in again and use IM spell
5) Collect coins
6) Noticed that timer changed from 59.59 to 45 minuts


Well-Known Member
Seems that's workaround for problem with missing KP gained over 10 while being offline with IM active if it expired.
+ there is no way to add up next IM while previous active - that's workaround for loosing average 30min at any IM reapply if there is more than 10 KP (which is intended, why use IM otherwise?).


Well-Known Member
I knew i saw this somewhere, but i cant find this in confirmed.... now i know why ^^ thanks


Okay, I can definitely confirm this is happening, now let me check if it's intended or not :)