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Not a Bug 20 KP accumulated while offline

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1620
  • Start date


Game version: v1.7.5-(1604f8d) (2016-05-30 9:58)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: firefox 46.0.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10, 64 bit
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name: Aeriavel
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5

Current situation: when I logged in after a few day offline, I had 20 KP waiting for me. I did not realise it until I spent KP on research. The remaining 19 points were filled with one to spare.
I haven't contributed to any wonder or placed a KP spell. I haven't researched wonders and haven't built the academy.

Expected situation: having 10 KP

Reproduction Steps:
Wait more than 20 h, log in.
Only happened today, never before.

Screenshots of the bug:
I did not realise what happened until I spent the points...

Edit: did not happen since, sadly :)
Last edited by a moderator:


Probably a Wonder was leveled and you earned 10 KP's, these KP's are luckily still added even when you are offline.
So probably not a bug... But since we don't get any notification when you get rewards from Wonder contribution it's sometimes surprising
This can indeed happen if you have contributed to someone's Ancient Wonder and it's finished. We have not been able to reproduce any issues with this, and it works as it should. :)


Probably a Wonder was leveled and you earned 10 KP's, these KP's are luckily still added even when you are offline.
So probably not a bug... But since we don't get any notification when you get rewards from Wonder contribution it's sometimes surprising

As I said, I didn't contribute to any wonder. I am absolutely sure of this as I haven't even completed chapter 2 here on beta :)

But it has not happened since, so I have no clue what it was...


Are you sure you didn't use the "Inspiring Meditation" spell ? Because you wrote "...19 points were filled with one to spare...". The only way to get 19 points and 1 spare in the KP bar is if you used that spell. You don't need an academy to use that spell, maybe you got it from one of the treasure chest when giving neighborly help.


It happened again today. As you can see on the screen shot.

Also obvious is that there is no MA and I certainly am not far enough to have researched any AW technology. I have not received any Magical Inspiration spell through a treasure chest (if that is possible at all). Still I have 20 KP...

Edit: Added a screen shot of my research tree.


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