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Fixed [16978] Event Quest shows wrong info

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 60107
  • Start date

Deleted User - 60107

This is what I see if AT LEAST one of my workshops is producing Advanced Tools:

And this is what I see if NONE of my Workshops are producing Advanced Tools:

For the record, I have already produced the 20 Advanced Tools needed for the quest. In fact, I have probably produced more than 20. So showing 0/20 is simply false. I hope it is just a display bug and the quest will complete normally once I have collected enough supplies.


Happened to me also, a refresh showed the correct values again.

bread1.JPG bread2.JPG
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Deleted User - 60107

In my case a refresh did NOT work. Even logging out of the game, doing other stuff for a while, and then logging in again did not help.


In my case a refresh did NOT work.
Had the same problem in Firefox yesterday. I had to clear the cache to get the 20/20 again.

It seems the game has an issue with loading this information at the moment. When you aren't patient enough to wait until it has loaded completely (and i.e. click to collect someting), this happens. We had the same issue with other events, i think it was in winter...


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
confirmed, we allready noticed this ourselfs.

its happening with all workshop productions