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Fixed [13289] Fighting in tournament loss but both parties still have troops


Game version: v1.23.5-(a85b553) (2017-02-15 8:03)
Game world: beta
Browser + version: google chrome Version 56.0.2924.87
Flash Player version:
Operating System:
windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920*1080
Account name: barrie98
Humans or Elves: elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
Fight battle in tournament, get a screen that i loose but it still shows regiments on my side and on the opponent side. After this it errors out into an internal error. Always happens in the same fight on the right side of the map of the 7th tournament province level 4.

Expected situation:
Expected all my troops to be wiped out when i loose.

Reproduction Steps
1. Go to tournament province 7 , lvl4
Fight the outer right battle
3. Autofight
4. Result

NB: when i cater the fight i can get past it, which i just did.

Screenshots of the bug:


Was this an excessively long fight? Some unknown turn limit kicking in?


Well-Known Member
are you sure you werent fighting manually, and accidently clicked the button surrender instead of auto-fight?
That doesnt comply ofcourse with the fact that you say, always happens :)

Doubt this will be reproducable, next time you get this, i would just do manual fight, click the auto button there and just watch what happens.


are you sure you werent fighting manually, and accidently clicked the button surrender instead of auto-fight?
That doesnt comply ofcourse with the fact that you say, always happens :)

Doubt this will be reproducable, next time you get this, i would just do manual fight, click the auto button there and just watch what happens.

Yes i am very sure, the difference between auto and manual is huge.


King of Bugs
Could very well be, when i reloaded the game it askes if i wanted to continue the fight.
did you press continue or no, if you clicked no then this is intended, it just ends fight as if you surrendered, it looks to me some kind of map glitch could occur


Did anyone else experienced something like this?

I was fighting all day in tournament, fought all battles in 7th province on 4th level and still nothing. Don't know what to do to reproduce this :D


I had a stream error in autofight y-day night
I reloaded the game and clicked to continue battle;
it took me to the battle field and started the replay;
turns out that I had 2 squads of trants trying to reach out to 1 squad of mist walkers;
the mist walkers were continuously going left, then right, moving around some big obstacle, and both squads of trants were responding accordingly, moving to get closer around their respective obstacles;
I must admit that the behaviour of the first squad of treants was quite logical, while the second one obviously suffered from a pathfinding issue : it was quite far away on the map from where the mist walkers stood, but nonetheless was starting to pass a local obstacle on the right, then on the left, depending on where the enemy was moving, although it should had just moved forward and taken a decision when closer.
finally, the replay hit the moment when the stream error occurred, and gave control back to me, but it was too late, and one squad of treants was almost dead while the other could not down the mist walkers;
I restarted the fight in manual mode and managed to win because I have no pathfinding issues :p


Yes, autofight has some strange moves :rolleyes:, that's why never autofight, autofight kills a lot of units. And it seems that long battles cause this stream error. I'm going to try to fight and avoid enemies to make battle last very long, cause all of you got this error in long battles. We still didn't reproduce this issue.


Ok, I fought battles and autobattles with 30+ rounds and still nothing.

I will remove this to archive as 'cannot reproduce' for now. If you experience this again, please leave here a post.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Ive managed to confirm this one today.
After 83 rounds of auto fighting, the game crashes.

I had a situation where i had 1 troop of treants left against 1 enchantress. the enchantress went to the left and to the right because of obstacle in the way, and the treant AI not being smart enough was also going left and right behind the obstacle.

This resulted in a very slow killing of my treants, until at round 83 the game crashed.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
This should be fixed now, and i have not been able to reproduce it yet. Altho this was in such rare cases im not 100% sure.

So should you encounter it again, feel free to let us know