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Fixed [13288] KPs not counted for quest


Game version:v1.26-(712c794) (2017-03-15 16:06)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Opera 43.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise (UK edition)
Screen resolution:2048 x 1152
Account name: Ritsel
Humans or Elves:Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: Utilizing New Knowledge

Current situation:
I won 25 kps in the Event, and added 12 kps in the research tree. But the counter for the quest only counted 2

Expected situation:
That after adding 12 kps in the tree the quest is completed

Reproduction Steps:
1. Have 10 kps in bar
2) Break an Egg, win 25 kps
3) Add 12 kps in the research tree (one by one)
3) Quest asking for 12 kps does not complete

No KPS.gif

UPDATE: Adding 12 kps all at once, and the quest was completed, so the problem is with adding kps one by one


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Took me a while to reproduce this, had to open 60 eggs before i finally won the 25 kp :) (got a lot of eventbuildings now tho)

Current situation:
spending kp you've won in tech tree, doesn't give you credit for the spend kp quest

Expected situation:
every kp you spend counts

Reproduction Steps:
1. Have 10 kps in bar
2) Break an Egg, win 25 kps
3) Add 12 kps in the research tree (one by one)
3) the 10 kp you had in your kp before don't seem to count, only after you've spend the first 10 the counter goes up

this also happens with KP you gain from wonder rewards


Well you probably got the burning egg, and that is a nice building ;)
Glad the bug is confirmed :)


This isn't only limited to won KP, I collected the hourly KP and just wanted to complete the quests (phoenix and usual), same problem here.

I hat 15 KP and added them one at a time, by clicking fast 10 times. Now I just have 5 KP left and both quests are only counting 2 KP :oops:
A reload doesn't helped.

I will contact the support, hopefully they finish the quests manually for me.

This Screenshots are from my 2nd Account




After logging out and back in I could slowly add more KP and they raised the counter for the quests. So fast clicking seems to for me the cause for this bug.
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Doh, it's getting worse.
I'm not sure if this should be reported seperatly?

Just logged in and had 19 KP (15 must have been rewards from AW) - I spent them all at once in the tech tree and they disappeared without beeing credited in my research :(

Unfortunately I just have a screenshot after spending the KP, reloading the game doesn't fix this issue.
BUT the Quest is accomplished

Anyway, I will write a supportticket


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