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Cannot reproduce [12498] Buff and debuff not applied


Game version: __ (v1.20.2-(9ebd3f3) (2016-12-07 14:07))
Game world: Beta
Browser + version:Firefox (can't find the damn version, sorry)
Flash Player version:
Operating System: win 10
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: Galoyal
Humans or Elves: Humans

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:

When a unit is hit by a buff or a debuff, it is never taken in account in damage calculation. Only the base bonus damage or damage reduction is taken in account. For example, in the current tournament, mage have a -80% damage resistance against Steinlings. After hitting them with their damage debuff, they still take -80%. It goes both way. tier 3 Steinling apply a -30 to your damage, but units hit by it still do their full damage.

Expected situation:
Buff and debuff should obviously be taken in account in damage calculation :p

Reproduction Steps:
1. Start a battle with units who can apply buff and debuffs
3. See for yourselves that since the new updates, they are not applied (I tried priest paladins cerberus, name it...)
4. __
5. __


i can confirm this, debuffs are applied but effect from them is not
Ah, thank you :D I was begining to wonder if I was crazy. It's VERY important that Buff and Debuff work. Without them, some units (like mages types) become completely worthless. You can use that to your advantage in the current tournament tough since it's mostly mages opponents :D


Ah, spells don't work :eek:.

As Dony said "Debuffs are applied, but effect from them is not." So the damage tooltips are showing right values, so if Mage has -80% against Steinling it will be -80% in every round, no matter what happens to them. And they will behave like that.

Thank you for your report galoyal :)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!

Our developers are currently unable to reproduce this issue. Is anyone still experiencing this or is it resolved in the mean time?