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Confirmed [12055] Unexpected culture increase


Well-Known Member
Game version: __ v1.17.6-(006713d) (2016-10-27 13:05)
Game world: __Beta
Browser + version: __Mozilla Firefox
Flash Player version: __23.0.0.205
Operating System: __Windows 7 home premium
Screen resolution: __1366 x 768
Account name: __Elderflower
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: __5/5 today. It has only happened once so far and I am not able to test it again for a while.

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation: My culture was sitting on 175%. I'm not sure exactly how far off the next level I was but it was around 2000 culture points. I started an upgrade of a workshop from 20 to 21 and my culture bonus increased to 185%. My notifications did not show anyone as having just given me and neighbourly help and I have not just finished a culture building.

I then cancelled the upgrade and my culture returned to 175% showing me to be 2037 short of the next level.

Restarting the upgrade returned the culture to 185%

Expected situation: Culture should decrease slightly with any workshop upgrade.

Reproduction Steps
__Observe culture
2. __Start upgrade of workshop from level 20 to 21.
3.__Observe culture again
4.__ Cancel upgrade
5.__Observe culture
6.__ Restart upgrade

Screenshots of the bug:
Before Upgrading workshop
culture before upgrade starts.png

After starting upgrade
culture after upgrade starts.png


Well-Known Member
I just logged out and in again and my culture level is back to what it should be.
170% - and 7093 needed to reach the next level.