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Fixed [11997] Pressing TAB while writing message results in blank new message window in the end


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.16.7-(635c42e) (2016-10-13 9:41)
Game world: BETA 1
Browser + version: Version 54.0.2840.59 m
Flash Player version: You have version 23,0,0,185 installed
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Humans for sure ;)

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
If you press TAB while writing a message, the window loses focus, which in fact has no effect except that it is not possible to continue writing without clicking into the text area again. (I tried to hit space, etc. to trigger what the TAB perhaps acitvated, but nothing happens.)

BUT, when I continue writing or press "Answer", I am getting an empty "New Message" window. Normally, the answering message window should close and bring back all messages window.

Anyway, the message written is sent.

Reproduction Steps:

Open Messages
2. Open an existing message (reply)
3. Start typing your answer/text
4. After some characters, pres TAB
5. LOOK! "Character count" disappearing
6. re-focus/click textarea
7. Continue typing some characters
8. Click "Answer"
9. LOOK! Reply message window closes, and empty, new message window shows up

Expected situation:
Don't show an empty new message window under the circumstances described above.

20161014 bug message_write_tab_1.gif

20161014 bug message_write_tab_2.gif

20161014 bug message_write_tab_3.gif

20161014 bug message_write_tab_4.gif
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report. Could you please include the list of exact reproduction steps in your bug report? :)


Well-Known Member
I have/had the steps typed into the message text, which you can see in my screenshots. Anyway, I added them more verbose to my report now.