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Fixed [11683] Quest completed do not show the reward/confirmation window afterwards


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.15.3-(e05e87d) (2016-09-19 9:15)
Game world: BETA 1
Browser + version: Version 53.0.2785.116 m
Flash Player version: You have version 23,0,0,162 installed
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Humans for sure ;)

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation:
Quests from the normal quest line (as well as the old ones popping up, see my other thread), do not always show the reward window anymore, saying "awesome".

Expected situation:
Completed quests show a rewards/confirmation window.


You think this is a bug?
I thought it's a change to let us have 1 click less. Don't confirm this, please...


@Muf-Muf , ok, so I have it all the time from yesterday. I liked it very much, too bad you will take it away from me...
In my case it works with resources and Advanced Tools quests. Every time. I see reward being given on the top bar but there is no window with it.

Edit: I did a 1200 gems, 1800 crystals, 6 x AT and 2x AT + 170k of gold quests right now. Clicked "Finish" and that's it. Another quest appeared on the left side of the screen.
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