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Fixed [11331] Barracks production added twice


Game version: v1.13.7-(aad90ba) (2016-08-24 9:15)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: 48.0.2
Flash Player version: 22,0,0,209
Operating System: Win 10
Account name: Katzenprinz
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 2/5

Current situation:
I had 600 Golems 3 and 800 Sorceress 3 before fighting in tournaments. I lost 15 Golems and 2 Sorceresses while clearing a province, leaving me 585 Golems and 798 Sorceresses. So I added the losses to my barracks to have them being refilled.

Strangely after the construction was finished it showed me I had 615 Golems and 802 Sorceresses like shown on the screenshot. This can't be.

Expected situation:
I should have 600 Golems and 800 Sorceresses again, not more.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Fight a tournament province
2. Open Barracks
3. Add losses to the Barracks queue
4. Wait till all fighters have been reproduced
5. Open Barracks again

Screenshots of the bug:

Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of the barracks before recruting new fighters, but the bug doesn't show up all the time so its hard to tell when its gonna happen again.


  • moo.jpg
    113.8 KB · Views: 134


And it happened again...


  • Unbenannt1.jpg
    96.7 KB · Views: 137