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Fixed [11101] Solstice Quest: Spell not recognized


Well-Known Member
I just got a Power of Provision spell from a treasure chest when visiting a fellowship member's city, and it didn't get recognised for the quest either :(

As I have no Magic Academy and no 5x5 space to put one, I guess I'll give up on this event now, just like the last one ... :(


Well-Known Member
I had problems with getting the first spell (have been offline while it finished). To get it in the second try, I was online while it finished and directly collected it then. Now, 4 more spells (the following ones in other questS) where collected like that without any problem. I got one by neighborly help reward also, which was counted to the quest.

Perhaps, it's only the first spell quest, that has these problems!?


I have had the quest to produce a spell of power of provision since yesterday. Yesterday, I produced and collected one while the quest was up, and it did not register. Today I collected the spell of ensorcelled endowment, and that completed the quest.


King of Bugs
I would suggest for developers to change this kind of quests to creatse any kind of spell, which will solve a lot of problems with it


Well-Known Member
Gain power of provision from neighbourly help - not recognised for this quest.
Gain lots of power of provision from opening a 50 moon splinter chest - not recognised for this quest.
Not having a Magic Academy in my city - well, guess I'll never be able to complete this quest :(

I'm sure I've said this before, but : Building a Magic Academy requires a large amount of space, and permanently reduces the stock of relics in exchange for temporary gains in production. Punishing people who don't have an MA over and over (being unable to finish this contest and the previous one) is not the same as making it something that people actively want in their city. Got it ?


King of Bugs
you are missing some point here, you are not losing any relics permanently, you can win excesive amount from tournaments, you are also using only relics from not boosted goods, which are useless anyway, and it boosts your production


Guys, since we have this bug report as well: Could anyone with these issues help us by checking if producing an "Inspiring Meditation" spell does resolve the quest?
Had this on the live server also: Power of Provision didn't do the job but Inspiring Meditation did. :confused: So maybe this is a text error ??


Well-Known Member
Ok, this gets even better. I have two quests open.
One, for Summer Solstice, requires 'Produce Spell "Power of Provision" 1 time'
The other, title "The Magic Academy", requires 'Produce Spell "Power of Provision" 1 time'

I got a Power of Provision spell from a treasure chest while visiting my fellowship - and only the second quest is satisfied ! The exact same requirement ! Awesome coding ...