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Fixed [10695] Message "Treasure found in city " missing


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.10.8-(b712390) (2016-07- 10:01)

Game world: Beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 47.0
Shockwave Flash Player version: 22.0.0192
Operating System: Windows10 64Bit

Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Brummbaer
Humans or Elves: Elves

Issue: Message "Treasure found in city" missing

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: none

Current situation: No "Treasure in city found"

Expected situation: Get the message that there is a treasure in the city, like in the past

Reproduction Steps: Reload game, give help, no message


I can confirm this
While visiting a fellow's city, I gave help, and saw the chest pop without the message.


Indeed was already wondering why it didn't show up lately


update : today the message appeared, but it only flashes for a fraction of a second :(


Yes, I can confirm with Philplessis that the notification is back but easily missed as it doesn't persist long enough to be read.


yes, I noticed that too.

my guess: the notification uses the same system that generates the upfloating bubbles.

when that bug occurred, where these bubbles got stuck, inno introduced a counter measure that detects stuck bubbles. but this system tends to delete the bubbles if they are okay too. apparenty inno tried to fix that, and accidentially detected the "there's a treasure message" as stuck bubble too, and kicks it away.


Well, it is working again for me. Lets hope its gonna stay like that.

All we need now is the fixing of the piling cities.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Confirmed - thanks folks. It seems to me the message does flash up extremely briefly but you have to be really watching for it at the right moment to see it at all.