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Duplicate [10443] Wrong tournament points

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Game version: v1.9.3-(c91567c) (2016-06-22 9:12)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: __ Google chrome 51.0.2704.103 m
Flash Player version: __ Adobe flash player
Operating System: __ Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Anne65
Humans or Elves: __Elves


Current situation:
I just checked the tournament points in the ranking and saw the points are not correct, I got way too many points. I didn't see a change in the tournament points in the release notes so I think it is a bug. Maybe this is the total of all tournaments? I expected to see only the points of the current tournament.

Expected situation:
I expected to see 708 points, the same as in the dutch server, because I did in both worlds 6 provinces level 1 and 2

Reproduction steps
Check your ranking in the tournament.

tournament ranking.png

tournament 22-6.png
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Well-Known Member
Same here,
direct after completing the tournament, the points were correct now the points change to a higher level


They must be wrong. I have points. Which I shouldn't have at all, since I haven't been participating in this tournament this week.


As far as I can see that is a totally different report and another problem. That bug is about the tournament menu under in the screen and the checkpoints and neighbours. That is not what my report was about.

I am talking about the ranking list, in the upper left of the screen. That has not been reported before, it wasn't a problem at all before the update yesterday came. Before the update yesterday, the total ranking was as it should be. The only reason I posted the steel tournament screenshot, was to show I did only 2 levels of each and therefore ccouldn't have 211054 points, it should be only 708 (6 times 118).

I can see the other problem still exists, but I reported a new bug, a bug that didn't exist before the update. The ranking list in the upper left of the screen should not show a huge amount of tournament points. It should show only the total of the steel tournament.

I guess my report wasn't clear enough, so I post a screenshot of the ranking in beta and the ranking in the dutch world. In both worlds I did 6 provences to level 3 now, so both should be the same points. But the ranking in beta is way too high.

So this is NOT about the missing neighbours and the ranking under in your screen that is wrong too. It's about the total ranking in the upper left of the screen which was fine till the last update.

Steel tournament beta.png

staaltoernooi nl.png

I hope you see the difference. It is both steel, but the beta ranking is not correct, it shows maybe the total ranking of all weeks, while it should only show the points of the steel.


Thank you for reporting this issue - You are right, even if the root might be caused by the same issue. I was able to reproduce it :)
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