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0.19.14472-8ef82ca-(master) (2015-07-01 11:25)


Well-Known Member
This was indeed just a very minor hotfix which corrected some small things in the code strings, most of them not important for Beta :)


Not important, NOT IMPORTANT? You probably are right, but still annoying if I am thrown of the game for something unimportant.


Beta is beta it's obviously... :p

But Marindor, of course I understand that small changes don't have to be advertised for us but you should know that many people want to know even those small updates, small strings in code they want too to see. Maybe just write 1 small post on forum for these people to avoid future similar topics if you even improve really little things ;)
We will try to announce every hotfix from now on. It will be done by making a post in the release notes thread of the current version. Do realise that hotfixes are very irregular and that I, unfortunately, am not available 24/7 to make those announcements. So, please don't lynch us if the announcement is not there the minute it has been deployed, hehe. ;)


You're right, Muf-Muf: many times it's possible we pretend too much by all the Elvenar's team and we seem rude, but it's only 'cause many of us really like playing this new game and we really like involved in it! Nothing more... :D;)
Have you all a very nice sunday :rolleyes:
Alessandro :)
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