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  1. Announcements and Release Notes (Discord)

    LOL XD !!! I just get back to this game expecting a good returning to my old city and find out INNO did again HAHAHAHAHA!! WTF are these new changes? lot of spell fragments + CCs and RRs to evolve a single level of AWs, are you dump inno devs? Most of this game experience is based in AWs...
  2. Answered ElvenStats showing wrong tourney numbers

    @SoggyShorts I remember one time ago, in a different forum where you mentioned that you were a co-funder of ElvenStats? I apologize if Im wrong, my memory is not clear, if not, do you know to whom I must contact for ElvenStats concerns?
  3. Answered ElvenStats showing wrong tourney numbers

    I have already, and in the past also, they never answer, that´s why I write this concern here hoping that the devs from ElvenStats could read this.
  4. Answered ElvenStats showing wrong tourney numbers

    Hi all, I was checking Elvenstats in my profile for this past Silk tournament and I find that the results in tournament that are showed in the profile of one of my accounts ( B ) in ElvenStats are totally different of what is showed in the page of general tourney scores for that specific week...