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  1. Answered Revenge of the Exile - Trader

    and thank you Bor too :)
  2. Answered Revenge of the Exile - Trader

    I find the use of 2 or 3 merchants sufficient; I only meant in my answer to Jaxom that I knew how to put ascended trades on the market. Sorry if that wasn't clear k English is not my native language ^^ Well I have now been told that I also have 3-star-offers for ascended goods though I never put...
  3. Answered Revenge of the Exile - Trader

    Ty for your answer Jaxom :) You're right we have to use the merchants; there is no other way. What I notice though is that there are no 3-star-offers with 4.6k for T7 or T8 for example; so could this be related to decay with the offers automatically turning into 3 stars overnight? There is no...
  4. Answered Revenge of the Exile - Trader

    Hi guys! I can see some 3-star-offers for ascended goods in my superior trader but am somehow totally unable to put some myself (be it from pc or mobile android system) I have asked around; nobody seems to be able to help... Just to let you know about my progression in the chapter in case it...