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  1. Discussion Chapter 18 - Team Spirit

    It sucks when active discussions are seemingly ignored but relatively mundane questions get responded to immediately. Just an observation!
  2. time warp + polar bear

    In turn, that's not really a limiter either. Can always use diamonds both for new crafting recipes and to finish recipes being crafted. Applies to pet food as well of course, with both being a heck of a lot easier to acquire than AW levels in terms of time and cost.
  3. Discussion Chapter 18 - Team Spirit

    More like until they nerf it. Stuff like that seems more like it's inevitable rather than simply possible these days.
  4. Undocumented changes

    Oh, that's incredibly obvious...and yet since I never use that feature, it was completely unknown to me. Thanks for pointing it out!
  5. Undocumented changes

    What's province '15' on the world map? Are these numbers based on distance from the city? Is there an easy way to determine this number? Also...doesn't the scouting cost affect enemy difficulty? Or is that just the squad size and stars aren't affected? Sheesh, that was 5 questions all in a row...
  6. Discussion The Fairy Queen's Garden

    Shucks, grand prizes are continuing to slide backwards in terms of benefits. First the Ashen Phoenix being a worse Moon Bear, now this being a worse Gingerbread Mansion. I get not wanting power creep; it's been conclusively demonstrated that limiting or even preventing power creep is at the core...