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  1. RugBug

    Announcements and Release Notes (Discord)

    TO the Developers You have made my gaming life Much much worse. Your changes have upset my game and those changes have made things worse. You took away most of my Combining Catalysts and then you order me to use them to upgrade my wonders. In my Magic Academy I used to craft 5 day battle...
  2. RugBug

    No more forum, just Discord...

    wow. This is VERY Distressing. I will NEVER join DISCORD, I loath it. Too bad. Inno keeps making horrible decisions and that is why Elvenar and its other games have lost so many of its players. They invent the game and then as time goes by they keep losing players due to STUPID decisions.
  3. RugBug

    Missing items

    well it has happened yet again. One day I had alot of Unleased Units and another I have none...I had 11 Unleased, used 2 leaving me with NONE. I suppose it would be a waste of time trying to convince Support as well. Had to buy my missing Fire phoenix artifacts last time 7 went missing. I...
  4. RugBug

    Rise Of Cultures

    OMG it even has a Stash feature. lol
  5. RugBug

    Rise Of Cultures

    Another of INNO GAMES.....I think it is EXCELLENT It is worth checking out. It is a blend of various of INNO other games with a few spicey additions..... AND IT HAS ROTATE.... That blew my mind when I saw that,, The battle scenes on the map are VERY VERY Enjoyable..... You'll fall in love as...
  6. RugBug

    Atlas “Les Géants” is Recruiting

    It affects players from time to time. And it affects small and large Fellowships, unfortunately but RL take priority as dos friends and family. I cant see ever quitting Elvenar. I like the artistry, the imagination and the pure scale and beauty of the game. It interests me somewhat when a new...
  7. RugBug

    Hello from Germany

    Hello from southwestern British Columbia, Canada.
  8. RugBug

    Songs corner

  9. RugBug

    Songs corner

  10. RugBug

    User Interface Account statement for premium currency (Diamonds)

    Question....?? The diamond Bug repair is totally the responsibility of FORUM support volunteers to fix, without compensation despite the massive amount of hours it takes?
  11. RugBug

    User Interface Account statement for premium currency (Diamonds)

    +1 Billion well other games by INNO has a premium feature that allows players to see a history of their expenditures and there gains and their purchases. WHY not here???... Inno has tried WAY way to hard to make the functioning systems of this game totally different from all their other games...
  12. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    SO INNO is to blame and it is up to Volunteers to fix it? No compensation for the vast amount of time expended???? I have had 3 close friends quit aleadY because the compensation did not even closely match what INNO took away with zero explanation. Lots of players have abandoned other worlds...
  13. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    I like to keep track. I write down everything NOW and keep a spreadsheet with links to screen shots. VERY TIME CONSUMING. Every event, Spire and Tournament I know the balances of everything. I only keep track of certain more valuable items. Like Genies, Artifacts etc etc etc And Diamonds.. Over...
  14. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    I am not sure how many players this has effected and I am sure that we will never know. Alot of players will just shrug their shoulders and forget about it. So fairness and balance here does NOT seem to exist. Accountability. Bug gives diamonds...How many to whom? Program takes diamonds...
  15. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    Well said. I have dropped both my live worlds. Lost interest in investing in a company that displays such poor accountability. Inno asks for fairness and we ask for ACCOUNTABILITY. Was a Million diamonds given away and A billion taken away?...
  16. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    MAYbe we all pay attention to everything. A screen shot once a day minimum... That would be proof if you ever had to prove any claims you may have in the future...
  17. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    I am mystified at the response of Inno itself........WHAT response we hear from Volunteer unpaid Moderators only....And I must say THANK YOU guys for your service to the entire Elvenar community, I believe NO ONE suggests it is any fault of the hard working Mods. BUT unfortuneately they must...
  18. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    WOW just wow. The staff here are re NO one is attacking anyone so pls.... They represent Inno and as their spokespeople they carry their instructions on how to handle a colossal mistake made by INNO. We are taking INNO to task for the horrible way they have mis-handled this whole entire...
  19. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    Delays delays delays....a very poor tactic to deflect what has happened..... Now we are FORCED to defend ourselves by attemptinbg to prove our balance before and after the bug... AND HEAVENS forbid we bought diamonds between the bugs... I totally agree with GerdyaanB. Inno disCRIMeinated between...
  20. RugBug

    Confirmed [43481] Diamond amount reduced without explaination

    Your not sorry AT ALL. Worst decision in the history of this game. I have seen some PRETTY STUPID moves from INNO, But this takes the cake.... I have quit 2 worlds already and your pathetic excuse for an apology falls on deaf ears. grrrrrrrrrrr You steal our diamonds with zero prior notice...