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  1. Discussion Winter Magic - The Snow Owl Express

    You have alot of GOOD IDEAS here. I am just so frustrated with this event. I don't own any Magical Manufacturers so I am producing goods as most players are, in regular manufacturers. I just think there is way too much repeating of the same quests. Like you said mix it up better with some easy...
  2. Discussion Winter Magic - The Snow Owl Express

    I am not complaining about the quest just the amount of goods it is asking for and how often.
  3. Discussion Winter Magic - The Snow Owl Express

    I dont know which forum to put this in. The goods quests are getting to be a bit tooooo much. I am running out of boosts and have them producing at all times so it ties up my magic academy and I still can not get enough goods. And this quest shows up every 2/3 quest. going from 60000 to 90000...