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Search results

  1. Need a home for three cities

    We are looking for players in World Explorers. Check us out!
  2. checkmark move

    I find it very irritating. Having to move your mouse when it was easy peasy before. Please move back
  3. Discussion New Spire of Eternity rewards!

    I don't have the phoenix and have no desire to create one because, quite simply, I don't have room. Unless, of course, I spend diamonds. I applaud Inno for trying to fix the library to be more fair. I don't like the interim period and I do think Inno is trying to make the game more difficult...
  4. Beta is down ?

    I could get on this morning and can't get on now........
  5. Discussion The Mystery of the Misty Forest

    This has been the worst adventure for me. There aren't enough cats. I'm not going to be able to get to level 10. The highest I'm going to be able to get to is 6. I've only won one of the daily prizes. Disappointing.