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  1. Answered Elvarian Games

    If the New Elvarian Games start in 34hrs when do we find out what it's about?
  2. Discussion The Mystery of the Misty Forest

    Yes, I agree it is VERY important to say, CLICK AND DRAG!!! Not everyone has played Forge of Empires. This was very annoying to say the least!
  3. Answered Beta on android phone

    I was on the road and tried to access the game on my Samsung phone and was unable. Kept taking me to my other city in the Live world. Is it possible to play Beta on an android phone?
  4. Asheron the First

    Hi, I am new to Beta and I also play in the Live Worlds. I live in the United States, specifically New York City. Looking to learn more things and for a Fellowship to join. Oh and you can call me Ash!