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  1. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    Do you think the developers and game designers considered anything else than KP cap?
  2. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    If this should be the case, then the problem is the way tech research adds up way too much. Just for the fun of it I changed the research from 20 to 1 in chapter 16 using @MinMax Gamer calculator, my TSS went from 801 to 739 all other values remained the same. My current live TSS is 768 if you...
  3. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    Well something had to be done with the turnaments. The issues with the current turnament system started back in mid-late 2018 where a lot of chapter 5 cities were catering their way to the top of the turnaments, these cities stayed in chapter 5 for a long time, leveling wonders and bringing home...
  4. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    Please, let us be able to disable this function, from round 2 I allways start with the highest province so I can track my losses.