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  1. Discussion The Season of Joy

    INNO does not like us! :rolleyes:
  2. Time to say Goodbye

    Thank you for all you have done for us others! You will be greatly missed! Good luck IRL! <3
  3. Discussion Chapter 20 - The Power of Music

    palmira, can you start to sell the ensembles as soon as you have upgraded the portal to lvl4? Thank you.
  4. Fixed [33669] Game will not load, after login since after v1.114 without using Flashplayer

    Everything is back to normal now, just want to say thank you! :)
  5. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    I installed Firefox and it works, so I am in.
  6. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    I'm in Sweden..
  7. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    Will you solve this, now 24 hours of empty screen when trying to log in? I have changed nothing on my computer, so it is up to you! And yes, I know how to enable HTML5 client, but hard to do when you don't have accsess to the game! Is Elvenar to complicated to handle?
  8. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    LOL! You bet I am not! :-)
  9. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    OK, found incognito mode, you always learn something new! :-) But does not work either..
  10. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    Maybe I am stupid, but what is Incognito mode? Chrome and Edge does not work..
  11. Discussion Release Notes version 1.114

    Still not able to log in....