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  1. Elvercikk

    Not a Bug Deleted FS Messages reappearing

    There are other ways to fix this. In my opinion, it would be much better if you could just "tick off" the "remove permanently" option just below the cross symbol. I am not interested in KP's threads, and even less in news related to them :)
  2. Elvercikk

    Fixed [33624] Military production buildings are bugged

    It seems, that the bug with unit production has been fixed. In my buildings it works correct :) In the academy, he also shows the correct time :) @Marindor There is a chance to fix this bug on live servers today?
  3. Elvercikk

    Fixed [33624] Military production buildings are bugged

    And it should, because the error came to the servers from the beta. I pointed out a temporary fix for the problem before repair and I don't understand your outrage.
  4. Elvercikk

    Fixed [33624] Military production buildings are bugged

    The above problem was reported on the forum pl. https://pl.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/b%C5%82%C4%85d-przy-produkcji-wojska.5004/ A week has passed since your application. The only way to get around this error. When you return to the game and see that the slot is being reset, cancel it...
  5. Elvercikk

    Fixed [33210] City Disappearing as it is moved around the screen

    I have the same error. Edit: @Loynis It's the same in full screen.
  6. Elvercikk

    Multiple fire phoenixes are ruining the game

    @Arthus (beta forum) koval (Pl forum) demonides (US forum) Please, stop sowing confusion everywhere. Do you have accounts in all forums and make your life more enjoyable? Do you like FoE so much? then go there... You are always unhappy... Why do you tire yourself and others? Let players...
  7. Elvercikk

    Inno...why u stop us to login by your shop

    It looks like this since morning
  8. Elvercikk

    Discussion Winter Magic

    @Arthus I have one bear and I know you only write lies. What lobby are you writing about? You have been warned again on the Polish forum. Will you still write your sick visions?
  9. Elvercikk

    Discussion Proposed trading star rating changes

    It took forever but there is a light to improve the buyer's situation. 1: 1.5: 2.25 merchant's trade converter is perfect :)
  10. Elvercikk

    Discussion Release Notes version 1.95

    Why, if the beta server is so small, I don't have this function here? I expected this feature for testing on a beta server than on a live server
  11. Elvercikk

    Cannot reproduce Can't log in

    I have the same problem. After logging in, it crashes from the server
  12. Elvercikk

    Question about pushing

    Start reading with comprehension. Can't you see you're making fun of yourself? You make unfounded accusations in our forum, you talk to CM and if someone writes that it threatens with criminal liability, do they scare you? Please, stop spamming every topic here on the beta forum because it is...
  13. Elvercikk

    crowding of events

    @Heymrdiedier In my opinion, 12 sirens are a side effect of a large number of draws. Rather, the key here is to win a large number of prizes during draws. Each player has a different tactics and in his case and in his opinion proved to be the right one. and since he set 11 sirens in the city, he...
  14. Elvercikk

    crowding of events

    I don't think so :) He got to know the mechanics of this game too well, which can be felt after his mature, proven statements in the forum. Has knowledge and can use it :) He was not afraid to use accelerations which after obtaining the corals gave another
  15. Elvercikk

    Chapter 15?

    @Marindor it's just one of the theories of colleague @artus that chapters are published every six months. He wrote about it on the Polish forum. when it turned out that his theory did not work and his information was not confirmed, he was born with the theory that IG did not meet the date of...
  16. Elvercikk

    crowding of events

    @Arthus It is a normal symptom in games that a person playing 3-4 years will have richer inventory than players playing a year or two. You probably have nothing to complain about because you also got a lot of sirens ;) "By the way, as you well know, the guy who got 12 mairmaids has been playing...