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  1. Lisha

    Discussion Fellowship Adventures

    Firstly, let me say that these two improvements are great and very much welcome. I'm happy to see FA getting more enjoyable. Now, concerning collection-claim-collection-claim... I have to agree with those in favor of allowing to stack progress. I see how it's possible to have mixed feelings...
  2. Lisha

    Discussion Spire of Eternity

    Let me first say that here I have just a baby city, semi-abandoned due to not enough spare time. With the scarce troops I've had, I didn't even make it halfway through the first level, so I might be unable to see the full picture, although skimming through the 20 pages gave me some idea about...
  3. Lisha

    Answered timer tournament

    Looks like one, same here. Are we purposely skipping 2 toruneys (dust & gems) and not know about it yet? On my live server it shows correctly.
  4. Lisha

    Discussion Royal Restoration Spell

    When upgrading magic residences or workshops, which size will be taken into account? I.e. if it goes from 4x3 to 3x5, will it cost 12 or 15 RR spells?
  5. Lisha

    Battle Decrease Encounters for the World Map Provinces

    Nah... It would change nothing. From their love for rebalance, IG would plausibly increase province expansions thresholds - not sure what would happen to those who already reached the limit. The only thing that it would change is the amount of neighbours and values that depend on the amount of...
  6. Lisha

    Discussion Three Glacier Giants

    Yes, @Heffernan, you've got it right. This is my Troll connected to a few fountains and a hand (=2 bonuses) in my main city on a live server, so you can see what it looks like when placed:
  7. Lisha

    Discussion Three Glacier Giants

    Well, I have no idea what my fellow saw then. Not to make it offtopic... I like the set buildings, they could've had a bit better stats or - even better - early collect option, but it's an interesting novelty. Aesthetic-wise I absolutely adore the snowman daily prize, too bad I didn't get it...
  8. Lisha

    Discussion Three Glacier Giants

    @Dony Actually there was a window. It said sth like 'open your gift' surrounded with some christamasy graphics. It opened the inventory for me but it couldn't load. So I closed and reopened it and there was the unicorn. However, one of my fellows said he had had a list of buildings to choose...
  9. Lisha

    Fixed [19554] Province expansion always "placeable"

    Game version: v1.45-(45342fc6c) (2017-12-18 13:21) Game world: Beta 1 Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome v. 63.0.3239.108 Flash Player version: Operating System: Win 10 Screen resolution: 1366 x 768 Account name: Lisha Humans or Elves: Humans Reproducibility: 5/5 Current...
  10. Lisha

    Opinion poll, Should Elvenar be able to change a functioning prize in any way?

    They should at the very least acknowledge that not everybody will want the change and thus give those players an option to choose, or in any other way offer them a replacement building with similar features, not force the change upon them.
  11. Lisha

    Other Join Fellowship in Tech Tree

    I'm not so sure about the forum and wiki, but as long as it's included in the tutorial with KP provided, it's fine (if the KP is a problem, maybe it should be provided by one of the tutorial quests?). I don't feel like 'Join a Fellowship' is needed but I don't mind it (again if the tutorial...
  12. Lisha

    Discussion Release Notes version 1.45

    I guess it's ok that the buildings will produce non-boosted goods if they values, both time and amount, stay the same, although I'm not really a fan of the idea (not a fan of supplies either, tbh...). I'd suggest the products needed to upgrade the road in appropriate chapters, but I guess portal...
  13. Lisha

    Duplicate Daily Exclusive Hover Tooltip wrong

    @Bootsie It's not, when you hover a chest as if to open it, you'll see "3x Booster 20h". It's used to shorten time of building/scouting/etc. by 20h. There were dailies like that in the autumn event, too.
  14. Lisha

    Fixed [19416] Building manufactories with insufficient population

    Game version: v1.45-(91834066d) (2017-12-07 21:21) Game world: Beta 1 Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome v. 63.0.3239.84 Flash Player version: Operating System: Win 10 Screen resolution: 1366 x 768 Account name: Lisha Humans or Elves: Humans Reproducibility: 4/5 Current...