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Search results

  1. Wheels of Time Recruiting or seeking to merge

    Update: September 24. I am no longer AM in the FS. Please message the new AM. Thank you.
  2. Actiive Players Only is looking for you!

    Hi Satice, I sent a message to you in game about the possibility of my FS joining yours.
  3. Fixed [40478] Player missing on Neighbors list

    I have the same issue for one of my neighbors on the world map too.
  4. Fixed [40920] Goldmines in neighbourhood list

    This same thing has happened to my in several of my live worlds (us and en servers). When I first open the Neighbors tab the goldmines would be listed (some but not all). If I close out and reopen the Neighbors tab all goldmines disappear from the tab and appear on the world map only.
  5. Fixed [37686] can't claim rewards from ended event quest line

    Getting the same error as well.