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Recent content by wunjo

  1. No more forum, just Discord...

    Dutch Forum petition: https://ap.lc/xnXIM
  2. Is Beta dying?

    I just noticed this post on discord: Karvest — today 14:16 argh... > Discord completely disabled and broke APNG support when they addressed the infamous 'aCropalypse' vulnerbility so I won't post my animated spoilers here... I wonder where the animated spoilers will be posted instead.............
  3. Songs corner

    the bittersweet process of letting go to make way for new possibilities a new forum?
  4. Is Beta dying?

    This is what our Dutch community manager just posted: Misschien als er een poll onder de forumleden gehouden zou worden dat 90% tegen is. Er is een poll gehouden wereldwijd, en daaruit blijkt dat meer dan 40% van de Elvenar spelers Discord al actief gebruikt voor andere games. Vergelijk dat met...
  5. Discussion Chapter 19 - Revenge of the Exile Discussion

    Keeping my fingers crossed with you. Hope they will make these quests about the training grounds, mercenary camp and training ranger pro II optional.