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Recent content by Rascadya

  1. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    as you answer Marindor(tks for this), is it normal that the extensions i bought with diamonds are against my progress in tournaments ? don't think so
  2. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    optional squad upgrades should give us an advantage and not penalize or be ineffective ...
  3. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    Me again, it means that i've invested in extensions (diams=money) and this investment returns against me in the tournament... normal ? don't think so. Also, my golden abyss lvl 28 (pop and gold then no fight bonus) returns against me in tournament... normal ? don't think so. What about the squad...
  4. Discussion Tournament Changes (post-release)

    hello, i was wondering... this changes in tournaments are done to disgust ppl ? Because this is the case. The fighters are disgusted... impossible to make the same numbers of provinces... they think it will be already so difficult to finish the 10 chests with those changes... what about the 19...