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Recent content by pirithbeta

  1. Answered is beta broken?

    now I logged in from pc :))
  2. Answered is beta broken?

    Same for me, at the moment. Pc and app android
  3. Answered Important Event Preparation

    I don't understand. I'm in the Elementals and I'm doing the qeust "produces marble mosaic 5 times with a Manufactory from your current or previous Chapter". This morning I collected 4 times from elf marble level 24, 22, 20 and they were counted. This afternoon I collect the level 20 and 22...
  4. Answered Important Event Preparation

    So, Marindor, if I am in the Contructs, manufactories must be level 24 or is level 20 enough? My fellows and I are not sure.
  5. Answered Important Event Preparation

    I (and my fellows) have a doubt. What is the minimum accepted level for 1T manufacturies in the Constructs chapter? 3 chapt before is chapt 12 or 11? If 12 (Elementals) manufacturies technology is at level 24; if chapt 11 (haflings) the manufacturies technology is at level 20 (Elves chapt). So...
  6. Not a Bug Woodelvenstock sequential quests missing

    Same identical situation for me too
  7. Fixed [21216] Missing street image

    same bug. I can't see streets (all type of streets) and building dont' change while upgrading
  8. Cannot reproduce server error

    I did it but it was not a good idea. Now I do not enter anymore, I do not arrive to load the screen with the account request and password. This is for the beta and also for the Italian server :(((((
  9. Cannot reproduce server error

    I have the same problem, server error at 11/24 on loading screen
  10. Discussion Fellowship Adventures

    I also think the prizes are not adequate to the effort required. Among the daily prizes of the latest events there are better and more useful buildings than the ones currently offered