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Recent content by lalariana

  1. Chapter Migration feedback

    That would make tooooo much logical sense.
  2. Chapter Migration feedback

    I do not appreciate being forced by Elvenar to play this game on their terms. I have a city that I want to keep at Chapter 3 and not advance it further. I have other cities that I have advanced to various other levels, one as high as the Senate chapter. I want to be able to play this game...
  3. Fae Sidhe Beta is recruiting or looking to merger

    Fae Sidhe is a very competitive team on several US servers. The teams on Felyandral score 13 Chests or more in the Ts, and get 1st and 2nd place in the Spire. Started one year ago, our Beta team includes some players from Fae Sidhe in the live worlds as well as other American, Canadian and...