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Recent content by Knoggaknorr

  1. Discussion Upcoming Tournament Changes (pre-release)

    The problem with that will be wether they have any form of "bad luck prevention". If you get 12 of the same good and only 2-3 of the others then you were not able to plan anything with having a overall balance. You can't plan random. It is just making a percentage decission. That is still a form...
  2. Discussion Upcoming Tournament Changes (pre-release)

    While i agree with the expansions since i also stated that before. If you implemented AW scaling in a way that only levels in military wonders affect military encounter and goods wonders affect the catering. It would make no sense to inculde difficulty scaling for wonders that don't have any...
  3. Discussion Upcoming Tournament Changes (pre-release)

    I don't understand, why they don't implement the same boosted good+ system for tournaments as they have with event buildings. So for marble it is your boosted good for steel it is boosted good+1 etc. Would that not remove the market strain since everyone has diffrent boosted goods and thus has...