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Recent content by Ethel

  1. Discussion Fellowship Adventures

    Will the "green tick," etc. be sorted before the FA in our Elvenar cities? I have told my FS that this is a really bad FA. They are worried cos I love FA's.
  2. FA madness

    Unfortunately you may be right. FA's used to be so good. Down to the last hour or so collecting and hopefully getting ahead. Now:- You need too many AR's so you just give up. Bring back the excitement or I and many others will say ta taa.
  3. Events New serial event - single adventure

    I think a breather every now and then would be beneficial to all. Give us a week or two to relax. Just tell us when it starts.
  4. FA madness

    I realize we are Guinea Pigs, but this FA has been awful. On top of the obvious problems (green ticks etc.!), after storing loads of badges they are redundant. Why? Because of stupid AR requirements. I love FA's but find it hard to encourage people when, in the end, you can't progress.