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User Interface Neighbors window


Well-Known Member
In the world map, in the neighbors tab, I would very much like to have a checkbox "can help you back". Sometimes, you want to help absolutely everybody to get coins and everything.
Other times, you are fishing for those precious hands on your city, and getting through several hundred neighbors is tedious.
Also: I would very much like to be able to know, at a glance, how many help backs I would get if everyone spent the time to do it.


Well-Known Member
That would be telling, no? :D
I'm just talking about distance and the possibility to help. We already have notifications to know who actually helps back.
My rationale is, post chapter 14 or so, it becomes very tedious to help absolutely every neighbor. Knowing which neighbors have the ability to actually help back would be an incentive to do so more often, and so get more help back than we currently get !
(besides, so what if it's "telling": it's an information the game obviously has, but chooses not to show us, and which could easily be improved)

Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
In my view, you are asking for info that is already available to you. And nobody said that you need to help every neighbour, nor does anybody expect it. Apart from that, potentially every player that is visible and in reach on your worldmap can help you and you can help them. Consider all the ones that help you and which you can't help in return as a bonus! Their reward are the supplies and gold they receive by doing so...


Well-Known Member
In my view, you are asking for info that is already available to you. And nobody said that you need to help every neighbour, nor does anybody expect it. Apart from that, potentially every player that is visible and in reach on your worldmap can help you and you can help them. Consider all the ones that help you and which you can't help in return as a bonus! Their reward are the supplies and gold they receive by doing so...
I 100% disagree. If you're on the neighbors window, looking for new friends, there is no indication at all that the person might be able to return help… and if you're telling me I can look the player up and figure it out, tell me where I can see whether they discovered me already or not.

We're talking 400+ neighbors, btw.

Bor de Wolf 1965

Well-Known Member
I agree with @Dorfl the Clay to vote against this option.
Once every few weeks I use the world neighbourhood help system and give all players some help and don't care if they help me back or not.
For the rest of the time I only use the notification system to return the return help.
That way I ignore what ever player is placed 2, 3 or 4 spaces away that can give return help and refuses to do that.

If you are moved on a Monday, the first thing most players will do is look at the world map and give help (or ask for a cup of sugar ;)) at every new neighbour they have.
And that is the way players are expected to play the game, if they don't, they won't get my help for a couple weeks until I am in an FSA.