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Fixed [41873] "Compose 1 Enar's Blues" quest don't validate if you compose Enar's Blue plus another kind of song


Game version: v1.166-beta.2-(a029ec8) - html5 (2022-12-01 19:55)
Game world: Beta
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Chrome Version 108.0.5359.71 (Build officiel) (64 bits)
Operating System or Mobile Device: Windows 7
Screen resolution:
Account name:
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: Peregrim! Peregrim!!

Current situation:
This morning I collected 2 songs, one made with Enar's Blue, the other with Troll Rock and the quest (that requires to produce one Enar's Blue) did not validate. I launch another Enar's Blue, collect it alone and the quest was validated. Seems that the quest requirement will validate only when you collect a single Enar's Blue song (not together will other kind of songs)

Expected situation:
Quest should validate whenever you produce one Enar's Blue song, even if you have also produced other kinds of songs together with the Enar's Blue one.

Reproduction Steps: (unable to reproduce now)


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Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
If you already had the song ready to collect before you got the quest, that may be what you did wrong. You have to start composing the song after you have the quest active and then the quest completes when you collect the finished song.


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
If you already had the song ready to collect before you got the quest, that may be what you did wrong. You have to start composing the song after you have the quest active and then the quest completes when you collect the finished song.
No no, the player has absolutely no fault in this. I've encountered exactly the same on my player account. If you collect more then one different type of song at the same time, you don't get credit for the quest.

You can contact support and they can fix it for you.

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
No no, the player has absolutely no fault in this. I've encountered exactly the same on my player account. If you collect more then one different type of song at the same time, you don't get credit for the quest.

You can contact support and they can fix it for you.

That is cool. Though that song only takes 3 hours to make, so is probably faster to just make another than wait for help. Unless you have to make more instruments for it too.


If you already had the song ready to collect before you got the quest, that may be what you did wrong. You have to start composing the song after you have the quest active and then the quest completes when you collect the finished song.
Enar's Blues option was only available after upgrading portal to level 4, which was the requirement of the previous quest, so no, I started song composition after having the quest active ;-)

You can contact support and they can fix it for you.
Not necessary, the quest was validated by my second song composition.

I agree this bug is not very annoying ... but just to let you know ;)

Enevhar Aldarion

Well-Known Member
Enar's Blues option was only available after upgrading portal to level 4, which was the requirement of the previous quest, so no, I started song composition after having the quest active ;-)

I finished the chapter already in my main Live city and did not remember the quest order for how soon the song quest came after the level 4 portal quest.