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City Evolutions


Active Member
3 suggestions for evolutions.
1. Make evolutions generic, so they can be used to evolve any special building chosen by a player.
2, Make evolutions available in the Magic Academy (preferably generic :))
3, Offer an option in the Magic Academy to purchase an evolution for restoration spells.

Yes! At the very least, please make a wildcard artifact in addition the the building specific artifacts and offer it from time to time as a reward and to craft occasionally.


I agree completely!! Especially for newer players, generic evolution artifacts would be a godsend. I just started in a couple of worlds, I have a phoenix but no artifacts to evolve it with and no artifacts on the horizon! =\


I agree with Rusty01, cpickett76, and Dsdave. Also, especially if players don't have the specific event building and they have artifacts, mostly newer players this would make things a tad easier and infinitely more satisfying.
People are getting a little angry about these things and with the new event and it being even more difficult to get the building up to snuff. I've been hearing a lot of grumbling on Beta.
Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
if this would be a paying game, i would say i agree.
(Un)fortunatly this is a premium game, so if it was universal evolutions, why would anyone consider spending diamonds to get enough of the correct evolutions. You could just wait till next event and use evolutions of those.
I think this would be a bad thing for inno sales, so therefor i don't think this suggestions will even be considered at inno.
As a player i totally understand why this would be very convenient.


Well-Known Member
Against. If devs are smart enough, they will never implement anything like universal artifact, it would be like burying whole current (well) working system of artifacts and evolution buildings under ground.

For the point 2 - why do we have events, if are able to craft artifacts in academy? It would be like "during events I'll get few of them and the most of upgrades I'll do later, when they appear in crafting". And the whole idea of events would be in miracle.

Probably one of the worst ideas I have ever seen. This has not one single relation with any aspect of the balance of this game.


Against. If devs are smart enough, they will never implement anything like universal artifact, it would be like burying whole current (well) working system of artifacts and evolution buildings under ground.

It's not well working if you have a new city. Why offer evolving buildings in the MA if there is no way to get artifacts?


Well-Known Member
First Inno added artifacts to FA prizes, new players started to complain that they have no use for them. Inno added evo buildings to crafting, now same players complain that they can't get them fully evolved quickly.


Well-Known Member
@Rusty01 there is one solution for that - remove evolving buildings from MA.
Artifacts in FA are much much enough, devs can handle how many of them are players getting and maintain balance between events and other parts of the game.

Deleted User - 60107

Or they could just follow FoE's example and provide upgrades only for buildings that are 2+ years old.


First Inno added artifacts to FA prizes, new players started to complain that they have no use for them. Inno added evo buildings to crafting, now same players complain that they can't get them fully evolved quickly.

It's more like can't really get them evolved at all. My thoughts are primary directed at the (Fire) Phoenix, for which there hasn't been an artifact in some time (July FA). That was a game changing building, further complicated by some players having two fully evolved Fire Phoenix. I don't care much about the other evolving buildings as their impact is minuscule by comparison but I do think all players should have a fire phoenix if they desire (and I have fully evolved ones in my older cities). Along with that is an ability to get phoenix artifacts over time, using Dsdave's suggestions or some other method. iDavis's suggestion to remove the other evolving buildings from the MA would be fine with me.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving for those in the USA!


Active Member
if this would be a paying game, i would say i agree.
(Un)fortunatly this is a premium game, so if it was universal evolutions, why would anyone consider spending diamonds to get enough of the correct evolutions. You could just wait till next event and use evolutions of those.
I think this would be a bad thing for inno sales, so therefor i don't think this suggestions will even be considered at inno.
As a player i totally understand why this would be very convenient.

I would never buy diamonds for bldg specific evolutions and since I can never acquire enough of them for all the bldgs, I sell off the bldgs or simply delete them.


Well-Known Member
We have no intention of implementing the suggested ideas, since it would influence the value of the evolution artifacts in a negative way. We'll archive this thread now :)